Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Knowing at least some of the Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts.
will make your Windows 8 experience much more enjoyable. Try to memorize these top Windows 8 shortcut keys.Press the Windows key to open the Start screen or switch to the Desktop (if open).
Press the Windows key + D will open the Windows Desktop.
Press the Windows key + . to pin and unpin Windows apps on the side of the screen.
Press the Windows key + X to open the power user menu, which gives you access to many of the features most power users would want (e.g. Device Manager and Command Prompt).
Press the Windows key + C to open the Charms.
Press the Windows key + I to open the Settings, which is the same Settings found in Charms.
Press and hold the Windows key + Tab to show open apps.
Press the Windows key + Print screen to create a screen shot, which is automatically saved into your My Pictures folder.
Press the Windows key + . to pin and unpin Windows apps on the side of the screen.
Press the Windows key + X to open the power user menu, which gives you access to many of the features most power users would want (e.g. Device Manager and Command Prompt).
Press the Windows key + C to open the Charms.
Press the Windows key + I to open the Settings, which is the same Settings found in Charms.
Press and hold the Windows key + Tab to show open apps.
Press the Windows key + Print screen to create a screen shot, which is automatically saved into your My Pictures folder.